
at 11:37 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

at 11:13 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

This is the first draft of our music video that we have created, and already we have many ideas we wish to add to this project, such as take more scenes to create a story-line that is more solid than it currently is, and James and I have created a mood-board for the extra scenes we will need to add to our music video. We will also undertake a survey, and post it to social networking sites, so that we can get additional feedback.

at 14:46 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

To continue the research for my digipak, I decided that I was going to look at album covers just to see the reoccurring features for album covers that derive from the indie-rock genre. From my research I gathered that the album covers rarely incorporate the artists on the cover, they will either have other people , objects or an design of some sort. This helped me with the idea for my cover, as I have decided that my front cover will not incorporate my artist on the front page, and it will incorporate objects, possibly coffee.

I also looked at the fonts that could possibly be incorporated within my album. Indie-rock music usually have album covers which have creative fonts, or a variety of fonts that are quite unique and different, so that the artist may easily be identified by their fonts. So above were fonts that I decided were unique, and fonts that may possibly be incorporated onto the album cover. I will undertake a survey, to see which font is best suited.

at 12:48 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

On Monday 21st November 2011, we decided to film our music video, in which we did various test shots, and outtakes that were not going to be used within our music video.
Within one video we compiled a collection of the test shots and outtakes.

"One time, I woke up because I was really hungry, but I couldn't find anything to eat, so I went back to bed" - Who... Me?!

Today we decided to film our music video, although we were uncertain weather we were going to finish the whole video. We contacted Tom Woolston to make his way for 12:30 so that we could begin shooting before dusk, and Lauren was unavailable until 15:00 so we decided that we were going to film Tom's solo scenes first, and then film the scenes with Lauren/Tom, then Lauren's solo scenes. We enlisted the help of Beans (Zeinab Jobber) for the inside of a home for Tom's scenes. We also decided to enlist the help of Matthew Nyugen who had advanced skills with filming with the NIKON D90. We finished filming our music video around 16:30, in which we completed a huge majority of the scenes apart from the close-up guitar scene. We came across many problems within this day. Firstly we came across the problem that the tripod did not work properly so we could not have steady footage, so I decided to go to the Art Department to borrow their tripod, we also did not realise that we could borrow a dolly for our footage, so we used our own hands for the tracking shots. We had to be careful about how many times we played the song because the batteries for the docking station we used were not too powerful, and we did not have spare batteries. The battery from the Nikon D90 almost ran out also, so had to be careful about the shots we took. We knew we were going to have problems when shooting at the DLR stations because of security issues, so we decided that we were going to shoot a majority of the scenes in the park. We also reevaluated the music video, and decided special effects isn't really ideal for folk music videos, because they are more natural.

It was too dark by the time we wanted to shoot Tom's close-up scene, and we already knew we were going to have problems when it came to shooting at Shadwell station, so I decided that we should shoot it under the tunnel that had efficient light and we didn't need permission to shoot there.

We used the Nikon D90, iPod touch for the song, iPad for our storyboard and a tripod.

We came to the conclusion that we were going to have to shoot the guitar close-up without Tom, because he didn't really know how to play the guitar.

We asked Tom to actually sing, so that the negative lip synching mannerisms did not creep it, which worked really well, apart from the last scene.

Equipment: Tripod, Nikon D90, Guitar, Coins, Guitar Case, iPod, iPad, Docking Station, Mobile Phones and Coffee Cups

at 01:00 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

Today I learnt how to use Final cut pro as part of my photography exam, which is essential to our music video. I will teach partner James how to use this software efficiently.

I have discovered I have a portable video camera which James and I believe will be vital in filming a behind the scenes for our music video.

at 05:38 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

This is the final draft of our storyboard, we have created this final storyboard based on the results of our survey.

Today I worked with James to ensure we completed our survey for our first draft storyboard, our final draft storyboard and also our schedule, and we are happy to say we have completed this.

at 13:11 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

This is our schedule in which we have created for our music video process, all through the filming to the editing process so that we could keep to a set time. Our deadline for the first draft is the December 2nd 2011, but we aim to complete our final draft by that day. We will work hard to ensure we reach our self deadlines.

at 12:39 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

To make sure our storyboard was to a good standing, we asked people on to analyze the video, and give us possible suggestions. Some of the suggestions were unimportant with the genre of our music video, but one of them was vital, and helped us when it came to us changing our storyboard for our final product. When I carried out this audience survey I was trying to find out what my audience felt about the video, and any changes I could make to the storyboard so that my final video would be a good one. This is turn would help me with my music video as I will know what I need to make a good music video.

Today James and I discussed what we did not like about our music video, and we have started mapping out what we think would work well, and what we think will not work well. Tomorrow I have educational duties, so I cannot be in. So the next time James and I will meet is Monday 14th November 2011, and we will continue our discussions and our lists.

Today we researched our Youtube video to see if there were any copyright issues, but successfully we have not come across any, and currently have 46 views for our first draft storyboard.

Today I have discussed with James the filming of our scenes in the music video. We gathered inspiration from the Ed Sheeran music video for the tracking shot, so we have decided we may incorporate something similar for the tracking shot. Below is a video of the behind the scenes of Ed Sheeran's Lego House video.

I have come across trouble with our music video, due to me undertaking an exam next week, and preperation for the exam this week, so we have decided to postpone the video-shoot for two weeks.

Today James and I have had a meeting about our video, we have come across the decision that we will use some of our friends in our classes to be pedestrians in the music our music video.

Andrew Goodwin is a theorist, and his theory highlights the key components that create a music video which consist of intertextual references, voyeurism and a relationship between the music/lyrics and visuals. My chosen songs lyrics are hard to decipher to an extent, but if you listen to it enough you understand that the song scripts the lead singer singing about a girl that he likes, this is illustrated in the fading of actors when they are about to encounter each other this forms a non-linear narrative. Amongst having a non-linear narrative we also have a solo performance from our artist outside, which also features him ‘busking’. The busking goes against the conventions of folk/rock music videos, as in those videos we traditionally see live performances or staged ones. The genre our artist belongs too is not too common amongst people, so there are very few known indie-folk artists, but some are Sufjan Stevens, Andrew Bird and Alexi Murdoch. There are similarities between artists that belong to the genre of my artist; such as they wear the same clothes that the average man would wear, nothing too extravagant, and nothing too expensive. Another similarity is that they often play the guitar, and most of their music videos are commonly from concerts, not much narrative within them. The main focus of this artist does not to seem too manufactured, but to give off a natural feel, so that the audience can connect to them, and listen to their music rather than focusing on the exterior of the person. We decided that our music video would consist of various different close-ups; so that the audience can capture emotion, as well as close-ups of the guitar to make the music video feel much more mellow. We have decided to filter the use of heavy intertextuality due to the reason we want a natural feel, and have the audience focus heavily on the music and the narrative.

at 07:56 Posted by Kay 0 Comments



at 07:40 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

A main part of our music video was to have actors. I instantly knew that I wanted people who could really act, and people who were really reliable. Initially we had come across trouble finding an actor to be our lead singer within our music video, we were looking into the idea of asking the music department for someone who was talented at playing the guitar, but then we realized that since we had no solid relationship with any possible candidate; they may then be unreliable.

We soon after remembered that a friend of ours Thomas Woolston wanted to be in our group before he left our college, has music video experience and is also an actor so we asked him to be our lead singer within our music video, Tom gladly accepted the opportunity.

Soon after we had to find a female actress, to play the love interest. We had a really hard time trying to find the actress, but then we understood that the drama department had really good actresses, so we asked A student Lauren Gallagher to star in our music video, and she gladly said that she would help us.

I have now taken images of my main actors, in black and white. This will provide a brief preview and resume of them.

Full Name: Thomas Charles Matthew Woolston

D.O.B. 06/09/1993

Origin: London, UK

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Eye Colour: Blue

Full Name: Lauren Gallagher

D.O.B. 30/09/1993

Origin: Doncaster,UK

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Hair Colour: Dark Brown

Eye Colour: Hazel/Green

at 07:12 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

at 07:05 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

Today I shall add finishing touches to my blog, create a survey and also make sure that I email Mr Hitchinson for permission to borrow a guitar for our music video.

at 06:57 Posted by Kay 1 Comment

We have planned our video shoot over the span of a week; we have already decided that our photo shoots will occur in the area of Shadwell. We are currently in winter and the weather can be unpredictable, so changes to the schedule may occur if it is a rainy day. We will check forecasts for weather reports.

Tuesday 8th November 2011

On this day we plan to take scenes of the environment, we have chosen to take scenes of the environment because of the reason that Tom will be very busy with his college schedule. We may also take scenes that we may be able to incorporate into our music video, such as establishing shots.

Thursday 10th November 2011

On this day we plan to take a majority of Lauren Gallagher’s walking scene , due to Tom being busy yet again. We may choose to add additional actors from the Drama department so that it could add a feel that is much more realistic, possibly have people shove her.

Friday 11th November

On this day we will choose to do the majority of the scenes that solely consist if just Tom. We will finish of a huge majority of the shoots.

Monday 14th November

On this day we will choose to film the final scene between Lauren and Tom, where Lauren fades away as Tom is still there, realising that the whole encounter was all a dream.

After we have finished the shoots, we intend to spend two weeks in the Mac room, in our own time and lesson time editing the video, we will then make a rough copy. After we have created a rough copy, we will then receive feedback and then create our final piece.

"If you can dream it, you can do it."- Walt Disney

at 15:49 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

This image is unrelated to work, but this image is basically one of the best footballers in the world, saying he is better than his rival footballer Lionel Messi , and if you add basically his teams whole midfield and attack force they will equal him. This got me to thinking, when Cristiano Ronaldo was just a random player wanting to be great, and now he has achieved greatness, by thinking he could do it. This is in relation to something I was reading called the Law Of Attraction, where thinking postively brings positive thought towards life. I have chosen to adapt this in my life for some time, and it really does work, although many people will dismiss me as weird and stupid. Below is a brief video of Will Smith mentioning it, its just food for thought, anyway goodnight and back to work next time.

at 12:40 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

They aspire me to work harder and fulfill my goals.

at 12:08 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

Today I shall be updating my blog, finish up my research to make sure I have a solid blog

at 04:32 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

We will be using various pieces of equipment, so today we have booked them.

- Need a DSLR with Live View
-A Tripod.
-iPod docking station

We many need a dolly, tripod slider or crane, and will look into the possible rental of those pieces of equipment.

at 04:13 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

We understood that to create a music video, a vital piece of that was Location. It was hard to choose a specific location so we decided that we were going to take pictures of various locations that caught our eyes and then choose from there. We decided to branch to various areas such as Stratford, Bow and Shadwell. We may choose to film in one area, or all of them depending on how our visions develop.

Image 1: This image is located in Bow, and is a park. We thought that this could be a possible location for us to shoot part of our busking scene, or where the main character meets up with his love interest. We may come across possible issues such as poor weather which consists of rain. Even if it is not raining at the time it is possible it could make the grass and ground highly uncomfortable and not safe to use with our actors.

Image 2: This image is yet again located in Bow and is the same park as the previous image. We thought that this could be a possible location for us to shoot part of our busking scene, or where the main character meets up with his love interest. We may come across possible issues such as poor weather which consists of rain. Even if it is not raining at the time it is possible that the bushes could become a hazard for our actors.

Image 3: This image is yet again located in Bow and is the same park as the previous image. We thought that this could be a possible location for us to shoot part of our busking scene, or where the main character meets up with his love interest. We may come across possible issues such as poor weather which consists of rain. Even if it is not raining at the time it is possible that the bushes could become a hazard for our actors.

Image 4:This image is located in Bow, and is a park. We thought that this could be a possible location for us to shoot part of our busking scene, or where the main character meets up with his love interest. We may come across possible issues such as poor weather which consists of rain. Even if it is not raining at the time it is possible it could make the grass and ground highly uncomfortable and not safe to use with our actors.

Image 5. This image is located in Stratford, and is a normal road. I thought that this location could be a possible location for our busking scene or when our actress is walking, even if it was not used in the acting part of our music video, I could add a scene where we see cars going by rapidly. We may come across possible issues as pedestrians going in front of the camera, and bumping us around. We must also be aware of the cars going pass rapidly, so that an accident does not occur.

Image 6: This image is located on commercial road. The part of our music video that can be filmed here is a possible scene for cars going by rapidly. We may come across possible issues as pedestrians going in front of the camera, and bumping us around. We must also be aware of the cars going pass rapidly, so that an accident does not occur.

Image 7: This image is located within Canary Wharf train station. We could possibly choose to shoot our busking scene here, which would be a different location yet modern. We may also come across a few problems in this area such as people going recklessly in front of the camera, and laws about not being able to use flash, or even sometimes camera's in train stations.

Image 8: This image is located in Green Street. This may be ideal to shoot our busking scene here, as the background will also be unique, and something different which will make the audience think about various meaning within the lyrics of the song. If we decide not to use this scene for the busking, we will choose to make it a establishing shot possibly, or put it somewhere within our video for possible hints to what meanings may be embedded within the song. We may come across possible problems such as cars and pedestrians passing by, and since it is outside a religious shop they may not want us to film outside it.

Image 9: This image is located outside Limehouse train station. We could possibly film our busking scene here. We may come across some issues such as lack of light, and also cars passing by.

Image 10: This image is located in Stratford. This area is very calm and very nice on weekdays before 3pm, but usually after that school children patrol, and they may be disturb our process which is a possible issue, another possible issue is the weather, which will greatly disturb our video shoot if it rains. The part of our music video that we may shoot here is the busking scene.

Image 11:This image is located outside Limehouse train station. We could possibly film our busking scene here. We may come across some issues such as people passing by, but then again it would add a realistic feel to the music video. We also have to be aware of the rain, just incase it disturbs our shoot.

Image 12: This image is located within Limehouse train station. We could possibly choose to shoot our busking scene here, which would be a different location yet modern. We may also come across a few problems in this area such as people going recklessly in front of the camera, and laws about not being able to use flash, or even sometimes camera's in train stations.

This is the sophomore album from R&B singer; Chris Brown. This album was released in November 2007. It debuted number 4 on the U.S. Billboard 200 chart, and sold 295,000 units within it first week. In Rolling Stones’ top 50 albums of 2007, Exclusive ranked number thirty-four. The cover is very much original, suave and unconventional. The main focal point is the artist Chris Brown, and it is a mid-shot of him, whilst we see him on the top of a building with the city outline vaguely behind him, which can also distract the audience. The font is called Morpheus, and is shiny and metallic. There are two versions of the album; a normal version and the forever edition (deluxe). The differences between the deluxe cover and the original cover are that the background in the deluxe edition is black and white, whilst the original is coloured, Chris Brown’s jacket has also changed from purple to black, whilst his shirt has changed from white to red. The text has changed from gold, to white and red, and also has ‘Forever edition’ added to it. The name of his album is called Exclusive, as it is an exclusive gift to his fans, he was originally going to call it Graduation, but changed it because Kanye West released an album of the same name. The image on the cover is Chris Brown in a suit, which shows his growth from his first album, and he is now maturing which he stated “I am still going to keep it so my younger fans can continue to listen to my music, but I got a couple of joints on there that’s for some of the older people”. He looks enhanced and different to his previous self titled album cover, which shows the audience that Chris Brown has grown and changed as a person.
These are the digipaks for both the deluxe and original copies of the Exclusive album. The original album has reversible covers so the audience can change the cover if they wish, there are photo shoots within the booklets, information about the songs and a thank you section. The Forever Edition also has the same things, apart from having additional songs.
This is Chris Brown’s cover for Vibe magazine at the time of the album’s promotion and release. This album was advertised as showing his growth, as well as his voice breaking, and he was not the same person that was in his self-titled album. He also changed the way he dressed, from the stereotypical black boy with baggy clothes, to someone who dressed accordingly and semi-normal, with a normal fitted shirt, and fitted jeans. The cover also builds hype for the magazine as well as the album with the beading reading: Chris Brown? “I’m still a Virgin in your eyes..”, which makes the reader want to read, and also want to buy his album to see if he actually gives away any secrets.
This commercial showcases his album, and entices audiences by showing clips to his music videos and showing that the album has already spawned two number one hits.

at 15:17 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

The Fame Monster is Lady Gaga’s sophomore album that is the successor to her debut The Fame. This album is originally supposed to be an EP for The Fame but was too expensive, and then released as an album. The album debuted at number 1 and has sold over 6,000,000 copies. I usually digitally get my music, so I was unsuccessful on getting a first hand perspective of the digital, so I browsed the Internet for one, for when I analyze it for my media project. The album cover is Lady GaGa on the cover with what seems to be blonde hair, and a black jacket covering her face, which actually seems gothic somehow. It is a photo which has been taken by Hedi Slimane , who is a male French fashion designer, which makes sense as to why the original over looks like a model photo shoot. Lady GaGa is seen directly into the audience, using direct mode of address to make capture the attention of the audience. This album cover is in black and white because the intention of the album was to show the darker side of the fame, and black and white photography has often been said to be the epitome of photography that highlights emotion. It is almost as if she is highlighting her enigmatic demeanor. The background is very plain and clean, to highlight her work ethic and her self-perception of her art. Her Deluxe edition cover is actually not too much different apart from the fact that it is Lady GaGa in a black wig, and black mascara streaming down her face, almost as if to indicate the real darkness of the album, and it almost seems as if it is an intertextual reference to ‘The Ring’. The album case for the digipak deluxe edition is quite intriguing. Instead of the traditional plastic case, this one has a puffer cover and when unraveled there is many more photo’s from the photo shoot with Hedi Slimane, it is almost as if they are highlight her artistic sense of direction in both aspects. The digipak also contains two CD’s for the deluxe edition, which is very good and unusual at times. There is a booklet, which has many photos of Lady GaGa, which almost seem as if they are fashion shots, and it also contains detailed information about the individual songs, such as songwriting and production credits. The photos within this album photographed are clean cut and organized like the fashion industry.

This is the cover of music magazine Billboard that interviews Lady GaGa at the time of the release of The Fame Monster. I felt that this was a relevant part of the music video so that I could see how it was promoted. This image opposes the theme of her album, which is darkness, and this is quite bright, possibly to highlight a lighter hearted part of her music. Billboard is a highly respected and recognized company that promotes artists, and one that could make or break artists.

I felt it relevant to add the trailer of the album to see how it was promoted on television, and they did it quite well. It showcased some of her music videos, which heavily focus on fashion, aswell as songs that are catchy, and features Beyonce, which alone can also bring Lady GaGa an audience from Beyonce’s fan base. It also has quotes from famous companies such as rolling stones. Rolling Stones magazine company have such an influence, that if they say an album is good, many people will instantly take their word for it and buy the album. This makes Lady GaGa gain an audience from supporters of the Rolling Stones franchise. From this video I have also discovered that this album comes with a collectors edition.

From this video I have also discovered that this album comes with a collectors edition which is the size of a photo album, consists of a hardback, double sided poster, a special message from LADY GAGA, artistic pages and more photo shoot photographs, many notes and many little booklets, all embedded within the album type book that has a mirror on the front of it. A Lady GaGa bookmark is also included within, as well as 3-D glasses for 3-D posters. It also contains what seems to be a piece of her wig, and costs $90. All in all it is an art book that contains many goodies for collectors and Lady GaGa fans.

at 03:16 Posted by Kay 1 Comment

Cee Lo Green promoted his 2010 album ‘The Lady Killer’, by releasing the explosive single ‘F*ck you’, censored as ‘Forget you’. This image is his album advert, which is one page. This album was Cee Lo Green’s first album in six years, third solo album and ninth album in total. The cover is really simplistic, and is arranged in correlation with Cee Lo Green’s suave look. The advert has been printed on smooth, glossy paper, the font’s are simplistic and extravagant, and has no borders whatsoever, but one gradient. There is clear evidence of his name in huge sophisticated font to sell him, as he was never too popular worldwide as a solo singer, and his album title in smaller yet still extravagant font to highlight his personality as exciting. The date is written as basic font, yet a medium size to show that it is important, but not as important as the actual star himself. The website and the company logo, are very small which sells the standing of them as very much insignificant when together with the image, artist name and title. The image is an extreme close-up of Cee Lo Green, which emphasises that the music and album all centres around him, there are no gimmicks just Cee Lo Green. The mise en scene is excellent too. The lighting is bright on Cee Lo Green, whilst there are shadows on irrelevant things such as the background which makes Cee Lo Green become expressed greatly more, as someone important. Cee Lo Green's costume are ; pink shirt, pink bowtie, pinky ring and sunglasses, these in their own make him look extravagant, aswell as relating to the title of the album The Lady Killer by including feminine colours and accessories.

at 03:09 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

"Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people. "- John D. Rockerfeller

This is the first draft for our storyboard. We have showcased our ideas within this video.

at 06:25 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

(500) Days Of Summer was a really good film which involved two various perceptions, one of expectations and one of reality. I really liked the thought of this because the song we chose was a love story in which it seemed the female didn't know how the singer felt about him. We felt this clip of (500) Days Of Summer really fitted the theme of our story.
We were unable to Embed the video due to the video's Embedding being disabled by request.
The link for the video is below, and the parts in which we were interested in starts at 0:00 and ends at 0:52

at 05:41 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

This is the storyboard we created that will influence possible themes within the actual music video. We gathered pictures that may relate to the genre, or our perception of the star image

at 04:17 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

"the greatest prison is the subconscious mind" M.K.I.

Throughout our whole video we will be enabling split screen editing, so we will have two separate narratives for both the male performer and female love interest. They will meet together at the end of the video to combine their narratives together, although the camera will still be rolling where our male performer previously was before.

Male) Establishing shot: performer leaving a cafe with guitar. He is holding coffee cup

Male) Close-Up: takes ipod out of pocket, searches and plays cold coffee song. Music then starts.
Female) Mid-shot: woman walking down the street towards the camera.

Male) close-up: male performer singing as he is walking to his spot on the street where he is going to be busking.
Female) Over-the-shoulder: looks in the shop window and see’s his (male-performer's) reflection, looks back and then there is nobody there.

Male) long-shot: Sits down and begins busking, with his guitar case open.
Close-up some money thrown in.
Female) Rear angle shot of her walking

Male) Long-shot zooms into a Mid shot of male performer still busking.
Female) close-up: her face looking emotional as she see's male performer.
Point of view shot of female looking at performer

Male) High-angle shot: Notices female approaching him. Cuts to Close-up shot of Nervous facial expression
Female) Tracking shot: female walking towards performer. Cuts to
Close up: Her foot knocking down the cup of coffee he left on the floor.

It will continue with them looking at each-other, coming close to eachother and then the girl disappears, in which we then see the main character play his guitar.

The split screen has really intrigued me , and I have found an interest for incorporating split screen into my music video.

at 03:00 Posted by Kay 1 Comment

She’s like cold coffee in the morning
I’m drunk off last night’s whisky and coke
She’ll make me shiver without warning
And make me laugh, as if I’m in on joke

And you can stay with me forever
Or you could stay with me for now
And tell me if I’m wrong
And tell me if I’m right
Tell me if you need a loving hand
To help you fall asleep tonight
Tell me if I know
Tell me if I do
Tell me how to fall in love
The way you want me to

I’ll wake with coffee in the morning
But she prefers two lumps of sugar and tea
Outside, the day is up and calling
But I don’t have to be
So please go back to sleep

And stay with me forever
Or you could stay with me for now
And tell me if I’m wrong
And tell me if I’m right
Tell me if you need a loving hand
To help you fall asleep tonight
Tell me if I know
Tell me if I do
Tell me how to fall in love
The way you want me to

Cos I love the way you wake me up
For goodness sake, will my love not be enough?

Tell me if I’m wrong
Tell me if I’m right
Tell me if you need a loving hand
To help you fall asleep tonight
Tell me if I know
Tell me if I do
Tell me how to fall in love
The way you want me to

Tell me if I’m wrong
Tell me if I’m right
Tell me if you need a loving hand
To help you fall asleep tonight

I emailed WMG to ask for permission to use their song.

at 00:00 Posted by Kay 0 Comments

Born: Edward Christopher Sheeran
D.O.B: 17/02/1991
Origin: Halifax, United Kingdom
Hair Colour: Ginger

Ed Sheeran is a singer and songwriter in which his genres have a huge range, he does Folk rock, acoustic, hip-hop and Grime. Sheeran has been active since 2005 where he began recording music for his first EP: The Orange Room. He soon after moved to London and began to play gigs for small amounts of people, as little as five sometimes, whilst in London he auditioned for now defunct television show Britannia High.
In 2009 he played 312 gigs, because he wanted to do more than James Morrison who had done 200 gigs. He released many more EPs with the likes of Ed Sheeran, Want some?, You Need Me, Loose Change, Songs I wrote with Amy and Thank You.
Ed Sheeran broke into mainstream success with his current album + when it spawned singles such as 'The A Team' and 'You need me, I don't need you'.
Before getting signed he made friends with Jamie Foxx, who asked him to stay at his house, and record whilst he was in America.
His fanbase grew with his Youtube account where more and more people saw him.
Nowadays his is associated with acts such as Elton John, James Morrison, Example, Devlin, Wiley, Sway, Yasmin and Wretch 32, most of which are urban acts.He has also received praise by then England captain Rio Ferdinand.

Pink Floyd- The great gig in the sky

Tinashe- A Liar

Ed Sheeran- Cold Coffee

Ed Sheeran- Autumn Leaves

Ed Sheeran- Little Bird

In the end we chose to use Cold Coffee as a song because we felt that from the narrative we could create something with a good storyline, and it leaves much for us to incorporate a story line that we may have desired.

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    I'm halfway between crazy and weird, from that stems my imagination which creates something new.
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