
Today we decided to film our music video, although we were uncertain weather we were going to finish the whole video. We contacted Tom Woolston to make his way for 12:30 so that we could begin shooting before dusk, and Lauren was unavailable until 15:00 so we decided that we were going to film Tom's solo scenes first, and then film the scenes with Lauren/Tom, then Lauren's solo scenes. We enlisted the help of Beans (Zeinab Jobber) for the inside of a home for Tom's scenes. We also decided to enlist the help of Matthew Nyugen who had advanced skills with filming with the NIKON D90. We finished filming our music video around 16:30, in which we completed a huge majority of the scenes apart from the close-up guitar scene. We came across many problems within this day. Firstly we came across the problem that the tripod did not work properly so we could not have steady footage, so I decided to go to the Art Department to borrow their tripod, we also did not realise that we could borrow a dolly for our footage, so we used our own hands for the tracking shots. We had to be careful about how many times we played the song because the batteries for the docking station we used were not too powerful, and we did not have spare batteries. The battery from the Nikon D90 almost ran out also, so had to be careful about the shots we took. We knew we were going to have problems when shooting at the DLR stations because of security issues, so we decided that we were going to shoot a majority of the scenes in the park. We also reevaluated the music video, and decided special effects isn't really ideal for folk music videos, because they are more natural.

It was too dark by the time we wanted to shoot Tom's close-up scene, and we already knew we were going to have problems when it came to shooting at Shadwell station, so I decided that we should shoot it under the tunnel that had efficient light and we didn't need permission to shoot there.

We used the Nikon D90, iPod touch for the song, iPad for our storyboard and a tripod.

We came to the conclusion that we were going to have to shoot the guitar close-up without Tom, because he didn't really know how to play the guitar.

We asked Tom to actually sing, so that the negative lip synching mannerisms did not creep it, which worked really well, apart from the last scene.

Equipment: Tripod, Nikon D90, Guitar, Coins, Guitar Case, iPod, iPad, Docking Station, Mobile Phones and Coffee Cups

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