
Cee Lo Green promoted his 2010 album ‘The Lady Killer’, by releasing the explosive single ‘F*ck you’, censored as ‘Forget you’. This image is his album advert, which is one page. This album was Cee Lo Green’s first album in six years, third solo album and ninth album in total. The cover is really simplistic, and is arranged in correlation with Cee Lo Green’s suave look. The advert has been printed on smooth, glossy paper, the font’s are simplistic and extravagant, and has no borders whatsoever, but one gradient. There is clear evidence of his name in huge sophisticated font to sell him, as he was never too popular worldwide as a solo singer, and his album title in smaller yet still extravagant font to highlight his personality as exciting. The date is written as basic font, yet a medium size to show that it is important, but not as important as the actual star himself. The website and the company logo, are very small which sells the standing of them as very much insignificant when together with the image, artist name and title. The image is an extreme close-up of Cee Lo Green, which emphasises that the music and album all centres around him, there are no gimmicks just Cee Lo Green. The mise en scene is excellent too. The lighting is bright on Cee Lo Green, whilst there are shadows on irrelevant things such as the background which makes Cee Lo Green become expressed greatly more, as someone important. Cee Lo Green's costume are ; pink shirt, pink bowtie, pinky ring and sunglasses, these in their own make him look extravagant, aswell as relating to the title of the album The Lady Killer by including feminine colours and accessories.

1 Response so far.

  1. Well done for taking the initiative Kay - this is a good start.
    To improve you should analyse the image in detail. This should include camera and mainly mise-en-scene leading to an analysis of the representation of the artist.

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