
Throughout our whole video we will be enabling split screen editing, so we will have two separate narratives for both the male performer and female love interest. They will meet together at the end of the video to combine their narratives together, although the camera will still be rolling where our male performer previously was before.

Male) Establishing shot: performer leaving a cafe with guitar. He is holding coffee cup

Male) Close-Up: takes ipod out of pocket, searches and plays cold coffee song. Music then starts.
Female) Mid-shot: woman walking down the street towards the camera.

Male) close-up: male performer singing as he is walking to his spot on the street where he is going to be busking.
Female) Over-the-shoulder: looks in the shop window and see’s his (male-performer's) reflection, looks back and then there is nobody there.

Male) long-shot: Sits down and begins busking, with his guitar case open.
Close-up some money thrown in.
Female) Rear angle shot of her walking

Male) Long-shot zooms into a Mid shot of male performer still busking.
Female) close-up: her face looking emotional as she see's male performer.
Point of view shot of female looking at performer

Male) High-angle shot: Notices female approaching him. Cuts to Close-up shot of Nervous facial expression
Female) Tracking shot: female walking towards performer. Cuts to
Close up: Her foot knocking down the cup of coffee he left on the floor.

It will continue with them looking at each-other, coming close to eachother and then the girl disappears, in which we then see the main character play his guitar.

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