
We have planned our video shoot over the span of a week; we have already decided that our photo shoots will occur in the area of Shadwell. We are currently in winter and the weather can be unpredictable, so changes to the schedule may occur if it is a rainy day. We will check forecasts for weather reports.

Tuesday 8th November 2011

On this day we plan to take scenes of the environment, we have chosen to take scenes of the environment because of the reason that Tom will be very busy with his college schedule. We may also take scenes that we may be able to incorporate into our music video, such as establishing shots.

Thursday 10th November 2011

On this day we plan to take a majority of Lauren Gallagher’s walking scene , due to Tom being busy yet again. We may choose to add additional actors from the Drama department so that it could add a feel that is much more realistic, possibly have people shove her.

Friday 11th November

On this day we will choose to do the majority of the scenes that solely consist if just Tom. We will finish of a huge majority of the shoots.

Monday 14th November

On this day we will choose to film the final scene between Lauren and Tom, where Lauren fades away as Tom is still there, realising that the whole encounter was all a dream.

After we have finished the shoots, we intend to spend two weeks in the Mac room, in our own time and lesson time editing the video, we will then make a rough copy. After we have created a rough copy, we will then receive feedback and then create our final piece.

1 Response so far.

  1. Good - you now need to create a schedule for the whole production process - it should be a table and should include dates, locations, equipment, activities.

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