
To continue the research for my digipak, I decided that I was going to look at album covers just to see the reoccurring features for album covers that derive from the indie-rock genre. From my research I gathered that the album covers rarely incorporate the artists on the cover, they will either have other people , objects or an design of some sort. This helped me with the idea for my cover, as I have decided that my front cover will not incorporate my artist on the front page, and it will incorporate objects, possibly coffee.

I also looked at the fonts that could possibly be incorporated within my album. Indie-rock music usually have album covers which have creative fonts, or a variety of fonts that are quite unique and different, so that the artist may easily be identified by their fonts. So above were fonts that I decided were unique, and fonts that may possibly be incorporated onto the album cover. I will undertake a survey, to see which font is best suited.

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